Other useful information related to shipping mentioned here.
Other useful information related to shipping mentioned here.
A carrier giving a customer illegal preference to attract cargo. This can take the form of a money refund (rebate); using lower figures than actual for the assessment of freight charges (undercubing); misdeclaration of the commodity shipped to allow the assessment of a lower tariff rate; waiving published tariff charges for demurrage, CFS handling or equalization; providing specialized equipment to a shipper to the detriment of other shippers, etc.
A complete record of all cargo on board a vessel for a specific voyage required for custom formalities and port authorities. List of goods (or passengers) on a vessel.
Legal right of Master and crew to have a ship held as security for wages unpaid. Takes precedence over any other lien on a ship.
A defined geographical area in which the marketing organisation carries out its activities.
An acknowledgment of the receipt of goods on board ship by the mate of the ship. This is a temporary document, which acts as proof that the goods have been placed on board during the period that elapses before the Bill of lading is issued.
Means so much of the goods as consist of items listed as "M" in the commodity section of this Tariff or of units, pieces or packages each of which yields a higher revenue by measurement than by weight at the appropriate rate.
1 cubic metre. One of the alternative bases of Freight Tariff.
The inland transport of goods in containers and breakbulk by the merchant, at his risk and responsibility.
Includes the shipper, holder of the Bill of Lading, Consignee, Receiver of the goods, any person owning or entitled to possession of the goods or of the Bill of Lading, and any one on behalf of any such person.
1000 Kilos. Minimum BILL OF Lading :-A clause in a Bill of lading which specifies the least charge that the carrier will make for issuing a lading. The charge may be a definite sum or the current charge per ton for any specified quantity.
The UNCTAD preferred term for what we call Combined Transport.