Toll Employees

Health and Safety Policy

This policy sets out the Skylink network criteria design for global code of ethics.

Effective: 20 January 2020


This policy sets out the Skylink network’s safety direction on safety and health management systems, in accordance with the disciplines defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) and International Labour Organization (ILO) as “all aspects of health and safety in the workplace with focus on hazards prevention, and a state of physical, mental and social wellbeing”.

Skylink network has strong safety set of rules, which protects its employees and their properties from accidents. The risks are communicated to everyone. We recognize that the effective management of health and safety is an integral part of our overall business performance, we strictly follow the international rule “First Safety Then Works”.

The safety policy is an important part of Skylink network legislation. Working safely is a condition of employment arrangements in addition to the health and medical insurance. The policy aims to minimize the workplace hazards and ensures the safety of our employees.


This policy applies to everyone who works at Skylink network in any capacity, full-time, part-time, or casual, including temporary employees and contractors.


At Skylink, all employees are accountable for operating within company’s overall safety initiatives. All personnel are responsible for regularly identifying and removing hazards; developing a strong safety culture for accident reduction; and complying with the statutory requirements of recommendations by territorial OSH Act. It must be the top priority of supervisors and administrators at Skylink network to create safe work environment as set by the following guidelines:

  • Pairing newer workers with the experienced ones who can demonstrate and pass on safe work habits and procedures.
  • Encouraging employees watch out for each other, creating a sense of responsibilities at all levels within the organization.
  • Preparing employees for constructive roles in promoting improvements in health and safety practices at work and helping persons conducting businesses or undertakings and workers achieve a healthy and safer working environment.
  • Arranging meetings, awareness sessions, and trainings, with mandatory attendance of management, supervisors, and operational teams by establishing a shared vision of safety and health goals and objectives versus services.
  • Maintaining safe and healthy working conditions, equipping and training workers for handling chemical/hazardous goods with the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) - gloves, goggles, respirators, etc., to ensure safe handlings of operations, installing various types of fire extinguisher and preventions systems to handle fire, short circuit, chemicals, and gas spillage hazards.

Note: The specific arrangements and allocation of duties necessary to implement the safety measures and policy is provided in the procedural documents. In order to warrant that the policy reflects current business activities and legislative changes, the policy and its implementation will be reviewed at regular intervals and as per change in the local and international laws.


The Medical Officer is responsible for implementing the Health and Safety Policy. They will develop a system for tracking and communicating any incidents and corrections within the Skylink network by:

  • Taking all possible and reasonably practicable measures to ensure the safety and health of the employees at the workplace.
  • Demonstrating a commitment to employee’s health and safety by implementing safe work practices and advocating the mentality that unsafe actions are unacceptable.
  • Making sure that personnel, including employees, contractors, customers, and visitors, understand their obligations with respect to health and safety.
  • Creating and implementing an effective framework comprising of health and safety standards and making sure that it is followed and reassessed.
  • Developing a system of reporting accidents, evacuation plans, and first aid arrangements in case of incidents of any scale.
  • Actively identifying hazards, assessing risks, reviewing incidents, and detecting and communicating any incident trends in a timely manner.
  • Providing essential health and safety trainings, guidelines, and supervision to all who carry out work in our business.
  • Involving all stakeholders to build a shared commitment to ongoing health and safety improvement.
  • Regularly monitoring and assessing health and safety performance and management systems.
  • Creating and implementing a governance structure that defines our health and safety responsibilities and accountabilities.

Compliance and Review

The Administration is responsible for establishing, overseeing, and assessing achievements against measurable outcomes as set out in this policy. The Group’s Human Resources Department is responsible for all other objectives and initiatives set out in this policy.

Infringement of this Policy

Skylink network has a long-standing commitment to conduct our business in compliance with all applicable local and international laws and regulations and in accordance with the highest ethical business principles and any violations of the policy will lead to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal of personnel/contract cancellation.

Further Information

For further information, contact with the Human Resources Department or Compliance Administrator.