Toll Employees

Policies and Procedures

This policy sets out the Skylink network criteria design for global code of ethics.

Our Four S – Module of Compliance Management

Our comprehensive Compliance Management System is the recognized as " Four S Module ", which is designed for continuous improvement. These individual module do not stand independently from each other but complement each other in a logical cycle. A measure designed for prevention - such as this compliance policy - is design (Strategic Plan), this compliance policy - is applied (Steady Implementation), this compliance policy – is measured (Systematic Analysis) and, this compliance policy – is revised and modified (Significant Improvement). This in turn closes the management circle, resulting in an improved prevention measure.

Strategic Plan:

  • Risk Assessment
  • SWOT analysis (strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats)
  • Rules & Procedures
  • Training & Communication
  • Compliance-Tools
  • Action Plans

Steady Implementation:

  • Leadership
  • Defines the process
  • Management, and maintenance of change
  • Support
  • Record Changes

Systematic Analysis:

  • Develop process map
  • Compliance Audits
  • Internal Investigations
  • Measurements of outcome
  • Evaluate desired business module

Significant Improvement:

  • PDCA (Plan- Do- check- Act)
  • Update Manuals
  • Standardized solutions
  • Contingency plan
  • Stop fixing and start improving