Visitors in Workplace Policy
This policy sets out the Skylink network criteria design for global code of ethics.
This policy sets out the Skylink network criteria design for global code of ethics.
Effective: 20 January 2020
Skylink Network Visitors at Workplace Policy outlines rules for visitors at our premises. The policy sets out the strong set of rules for protecting our visitors as well as ensuring the safety and security of our workforce, company associates, and workplace. The policy prohibits visitors from:
Only authorized personnel may have access to the company facilities within the Skylink Network. The employees must not allow unauthorized personal visitors due to strict safety structure of our workplace.
This policy applies to all employees who work at Skylink Network. Workplace visitor may refer to employees’ friends and family, contractors, external vendors, stakeholders, and the public.
Any visitors within the company’s premises are admissible only during the working hours and with prior permissions of the relevant management/supervisors. We have a strong security system managed by the trained Security Officers, who respond to emergencies and threats, monitor CCTV cameras at regular intervals, conduct checks on the premises, and compile incident reports. The following security guidelines must be followed by all employees:
Contractors, suppliers, service vendors, IT technicians, and plumbers can enter our premises only to complete their job duties. Front-desk officers are responsible for providing contractors and vendors with badges and for instructing them to wear those badges at all times on our premises.
Note: We advise our employees to only permit visitors to lobbies or meeting rooms for a short time and for specific reasons with acknowledgement of concerned HR approvals. Employees are responsible for accompanying any of their underage visitors at all times.
The Visitors in the Workplace Policy shall be implemented by the HR and Security Officer in order to maintain the security measurements set out within the Skylink Network.
The Administration is responsible for establishing, overseeing, and assessing achievement against measurable objectives in relation to goals set out in this policy.
The Group’s Human Resources and Security Department is responsible for all
other objectives and initiatives set out in this policy.
Skylink network has a long-standing commitment to conduct our business in compliance with all applicable local and international laws and regulations and in accordance with the highest ethical business principles and any violations of the policy will lead to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal of personnel/contract cancellation.
For further information, contact with the Human Resources Department or Compliance Administrator or Security Department.