Gifts, Entertainment and Hospitality Policy

Effective: 20 January 2020


This Code Policy sets out Skylink Network’s position in relation to gifts and hospitality.

Skylink Network understands that hospitality plays a positive role in building relationships with customers, suppliers and other third parties. Likewise, it is sometimes appropriate to offer reasonable gifts, e.g. in the context of promotional events or new services introduction However, as accepting or receiving gifts and hospitality can be open to abuse or generate actual or perceived conflicts of interest, this occur sparingly and always be legitimate and proportionate in the context of Skylink Network’s business activities. It makes clear what forms of gifts and hospitality are always prohibited. This policy also explains in what circumstances gifts or hospitality may legitimately be given or received.


This policy applies on everyone who works at Skylink Network in any measurements, full-time, part-time or casual, including temporary employees and contractors.

All explanatory text and summaries on this site are our work, except where explicitly stated. Copying and distribution without permission is prohibited.


This Policy covers the following types of business courtesies exchanged with external parties:

Gifts and Hospitality

Skylink Network restricts the offer or receipt of gifts or other benefits that could affect either party’s impartiality, influences a business decision, or lead to the improper performance of an official duty. This principle applies to our relationships with suppliers, officials or anyone else with whom we deal in the course of our work. Skylink employees may offer and accept reasonable hospitality given in the normal course of business. However, in all cases, we must ensure that

  • The gift or benefit is offered as an expression of goodwill and not in expectation of a return favor;
  • The value must not exceed the financial limits of USD 50 Or PKR 5,000, which are to be set by the relevant country or general managers and approved in writing beforehand by them.


Skylink Network observe all religious harmony events, national, and social events such as Independence Day Celebration, Eid Milad-Un-Nabi, Picnics, Social/Cultural/Sporting Events, Business and Informal Gatherings with our clients, and so-on. Skylink Network employees also seek a tremendous source to have an entertainment, which enhance their capabilities related to their job description by obtaining a course is a great way of entertainment for a new business opportunity.


The Gifts, Entertainment and Hospitality Policy shall be implemented by the Compliance Administrator or Designated Personnel to maintain the ethics measurements set out within the Skylink Network.

Compliance and Review

The Administration is responsible for establishing, overseeing, and assessing achievement against measurable objectives in relation to goals set out in this policy.

The Group’s Human Resources and Compliance Department is responsible for all other objectives and initiatives set out in this policy.

Infringement of this Policy

Skylink network has a long-standing commitment to conduct our business in compliance with all applicable national and international laws and regulations, and in accordance with the highest ethical business principles, violations of this policy will lead to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal of personnel/administrator/contract cancellations.

Further Information

For further information, contact with the Human Resources Department or Compliance Administrator.